Monday, December 31, 2012

Ending The Hunt for 2013

Ever been caught up in an amazing book that resonated so deeply and profoundly with you? However, it was that one sentence that made you stop, put the book down and sit and think about what you just read. The truth in that one sentence resonated louder to you than any other part of the book and was the catalyst for a call to action within your spirit.

I was stopped in my reading tracks when I came to one little sentence in a leadership and vision book I recently read. “A hunter hunts for two rabbits but misses them both.”

At first glance, you may question what significance that sentence has and what could possibly be so profound about it. Stay with me for a moment and maybe you too will find the truth and vision in that sentence.

Throughout this past year of 2012 (and beyond to be really honest), I have struggled with having a creative mind and chased several different dreams and visions. The creativity is not what has been the problem. The problem has been a lack of real focus, direction and clarity. I wasn’t clear on my vision. Therefore, because I wasn’t clear, I had no real focus and direction. As a result, I’ve spent a lot of time floundering, dabbling in this, dibbling in that, but not necessarily sticking to God’s path or the vision that has been mine to go forth on.

I love Jeremiah 29:11! ”For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” As much as I love that verse and hold on to it, I wasn’t necessarily living by it. The verse says He already has plans for me. He already has plans for you! Plans that yield a great return. However, I had been too busy creating different ones and chasing my own plans. And although some of those plans were serving Him, I wasn’t necessarily seeking Him. Big difference! I wasn’t really focused on cultivating and nurturing the ones God had already ordained and blessed for me and found myself leaving Him out of the picture.

“A hunter hunts two rabbits but misses them both.”

That sentence was so profound to me because it reminded me that when we operate outside of God’s design for us, we often do find ourselves chasing, but never capturing. Sometimes we do capture but aren’t satisfied, so the hunt starts all over again. I hold on to Ephesians 3:20 that says God will give us exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or imagine, according to the power within us. Doesn’t get any better than that! This verse keeps me focused so I can stop chasing multiple rabbits! When I allow HIM to be center, it makes my hunt so much easier and I’m not running myself ragged on a hunt, chasing something I will never catch.

As this year comes to a rapid end and we make resolutions that will soon be broken, I think it is important that we ask ourselves a few questions. “What have I been on the hunt for and missing? What have I been chasing?” Or better yet, “What have I allowed to chase me?”

What things have you been chasing or what things have been chasing you in 2012 that you need to end for 2013?

Although my hunt has been getting clear with my vision and purpose, yours may be different. Perhaps it has been:

• chasing someone who doesn’t want to be caught

• allowing someone else to hinder your growth because you are waiting for them to “get it right”

• seeking the approval and validation from others

• fearing what others may say or think

• falling prey to worry and/or procrastination

• using manipulation and control as a means to an end

• being used by manipulation or control for others gain

• being held in bondage due to refusing to forgive an actual or imagined offense

• allowing anger, bitterness and jealousy to steal your joy and blessings in life

• attempting to live up to unrealistic expectations from others or from self

• allowing negative self defeating thoughts to derail you from God’s best

I pray that for 2013, you will seek God and get clear focus from Him as you journey into this new year. I pray that whatever you have been chasing or whatever has been chasing you in 2012 that has taken you away from God’s best for your life, you will find the strength to end now.

Many blessings, health, peace, comfort, joy, prosperity, and protection over your marriage, family, children, relationships, business and ministry. Allow Him to be with you in your hunt this year so that you may capture and conqueror all that He has for you.

Happy Hunting,


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Perfect Peace

As I emotionally sat my children down to explain the tragedy that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary earlier this week and just how sad the situation was, I became frustrated with my son. As serious of a moment as it was, he kept a silly smile on his face and said to me, "Mommy, it's actually not that sad, it's not as sad of a thing as you are saying it is." Before I scolded him for not being serious at that moment, he then said, "All those kids are in Heaven now, so there is nothing sad about that." My six year old always has a way with putting things into perspective. He was exactly right....those kids are with their Heavenly Father now, in His perfect peace.

(....Tissues please....)

Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38 when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate. Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air. They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.

They were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say. They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day. "Where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse. "This is heaven." declared a small boy. "We're spending Christmas at God's house."

When what to their wondering eyes did appear, But Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near. He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same. Then He opened His arms and He called them by name.

And in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring: Those children all flew into the arms of their King, And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace, One small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.

And as if He could read all the questions she had, He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad." Then He looked down on earth, the world far below, He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe,

Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand, "Let My power and presence re-enter this land! May this country be delivered from the hands of fools I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"

Then He and the children stood up without a sound. "Come now my children, let me show you around." Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran. All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.

And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight, "In the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A China Experience

Finally my long journey has come to an end! I get to finally see my husband who has been gone from home for 5 weeks, as he makes Qingdao, China his new home for at least 3 more months. I eagerly grabbed my carry on bag and made my way to baggage to retrieve my luggage. As I waited for my bags, I noticed quite a few Chinese people waiting outside the baggage area waving and smiling. Naturally, I assumed they were waving to a friend or loved one, excited to see them upon their arrival. Once I got my bags and headed towards the exit area, I noticed the same people, waving and smiling, but now a little more intently and enthusiastically.

As I got closer, I noticed that although they were waving and smiling at someone behind me, their eyes were focused on what appeared to be me. I gave a slight smile and broke my eye contact from them and continued to walk towards the exit. However, once I crossed the line of the baggage area into the airport arrival area, those same people that I had assumed were smiling, waving and waiting for someone else, were actually smiling, waving and waiting for me!

Meanwhile, the excited welcoming committee consisted of a few photographers, flashing their cameras paparazzi-style, videographers filming, a journalist walking next to me with pen and pad in hand asking me questions, and a big beautiful bouquet of flowers handed to me by someone else. Overwhelmed by the unexpected group of greeters, my mind was thinking, "I'm sorry, you have the wrong person, I'm not whoever you think I am. I’m just here visiting my husband." As I was about to project those words from my head to my mouth, to my surprise I heard my name mentioned a couple times. "CleRenda, Welcome to China" came from one person. The next person jumped in, "How was your flight to Qingdao, CleRenda?" Yikes.... they are actually talking to me! They do have the right person!

To add to my twilight zone experience, in the midst of cameras flashing, video's rolling, flowers put into my arms and having questions thrown at me left and right, another person from the greeters force came from out of nowhere and whisked the cart away from me that I was pushing that had all of my luggage.... including my PURSE! For all of my ladies that can relate... you can take my luggage, you can take my carry on, and on a bad traveling day, you can even take my child, but pleeeeeeeassse don't mess with my purse! My mind was thinking, "Hey you, come back with my bags." However, because of the 17-hour flight I had just gotten off of and the sudden and quick "attack" of all the commotion that surrounded me, I was still in a daze and my mouth didn't catch up to what I was thinking. Instead, I watched a total stranger scurry off with my luggage and purse!

In somewhat of a confused state, this was a far cry from the hotel rep I was told to look out for along the curbside, who would give me a lift back to the hotel. Where was he in the midst of all this? Was there a change in plans that someone failed to notify me about?

As much as I guess I should have been flattered, I was taken aback. Again, the element of surprise totally took me off guard. If you can imagine getting off of a 17-hour flight, I'm not quite in picture perfect mode. Perhaps if it weren’t for the crusty sleep in my eyes, hair in total disarray, lack of lip gloss or mineral face powder and a crooked limp due to swollen feet that refused to budge in my boots because of the air pressure of the plane...just maybe I could have gotten into the moment a little more! Not to mention the woof of "morning fresh breath!"(It actually wasn’t that bad...I did have one of those cinnamon-y hot mints!)

With all that I aside, I let my guard down, accepted “whoever” they thought I was, joined my entourage to a parked awaiting vehicle and disappeared into the chill of the night in Qingdao, China. Destination: Hotel Hai Tian.

For whatever reason God has seen it fit for my husband to have such popularity in China over these past 15 years of his NBA career, God has now uprooted him and taken my husband up close and personal with the Chinese people and culture for this season in his life. The scene I described is not uncommon for my husband, particularly in China. However, for me, there was nothing common about it! Naturally, my gracious and kind welcoming committee knew that I was coming to visit my husband and when they saw me, in their minds they thought I was “somebody.” (How disappointed they will be when they find out the truth! ) From waiting behind the baggage claim area, they spotted me out and saw something in me that I was clueless about.

This rather long blog that probably by this point seems to you to have no relevant point but merely a way for me to blab about how special I think I am, actually has just as much to do with YOU as me. My point? Like my Chinese friends spotted me out and saw “something” in me, when people spot you out what “something” do they see in you? Who do people think you are when they see you? As we are saturated in a culture that gives freedom and access to the world to view us up close and personal, who does the world see when they look at you? Even more so than “who” you are, when people see you, “Whose” do they think you are?

I love Ephesians 2:10! It says that we are “God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” If we truly consider ourselves His workmanship, His masterpiece, are we coming off as a masterpiece? Are we striving to operate in a spirit of excellence with what we do, how we think and what we say?

Colossians 3:12 also states that as “God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Don’t get me wrong, I like the latest fashion statement just as much as the next person. But beneath the label, what exactly are we clothing ourselves with? It also says we are His “chosen” people. If we are chosen, do others see that in us, or do they see common?

How do we use who we are to impact others? Regardless of where we are in life, we all have a sphere of influence. Some may have a sphere of influence that consists of only one or two people at their job. Others sphere of influence may just be their immediate family, whereas someone else may have a worldwide audience as a sphere of influence. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, who do people see when they look at you, and how do you use what they see to make an impact? No where have I mentioned or suggested perfection. We’ll never see that within ourselves or others on this side of the heavens. But there should be some consistent striving and glimpses of evidence within us all of “Whose” we are.

So although my gracious and kind Chinese friends saw me well before I saw them and they surely weren’t giving me the paparazzi treatment for any other reason than because of my husband’s status; I can’t help but to wonder...wouldn’t it be great for us all to be able to respond to others in a similar manner, because we saw and welcomed “WHO” and “WHOSE” they really are, instead of what we think they are?

Who are you?


Peace and Blessings…from China


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Thankfulness

I must say, for it to be Thanksgiving, our 85-degree weather here in Houston doesn’t make it feel like Thanksgiving! I haven’t decided if we should be baking the turkey in the oven, or taking it outside to grill along with everything else! As much as I love warm weather, I do appreciate the chill and coolness that’s “supposed” to go along with Thanksgiving! Nonetheless, I shall not complain…. it is Thanksgiving and I have soooo much to be thankful and grateful for! One of my children asked me what is Thanksgiving. I told him it was a day to be thankful. He responded with, “but aren’t we supposed to be thankful every day?” Hmmmm…my son was onto something.

Although we put much thought, time and work into our Thanksgiving menu’s, Thanksgiving isn’t about the turkey, dressing, yams or pies. It’s not really even about celebrating a day of thanks. However, it is a day of remembrance that everyday is about celebrating thanks and being grateful for all that God has provided, even the stuff that wasn’t necessarily on our checklist of things we wanted! It is a day to remind us that “thanksgiving” is more about a lifestyle than an event. Thanksgiving is a day to remind us that even in the worst of our situations and circumstances, there is something to always be thankful and joyful about.

On this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my life, health, family, friends and God’s mercy and grace in my life. For me, there is so much joy in being able to help and serve someone else who is truly in need. One of the things I am thankful for is being able to be a part of serving families in the 5th Ward community of Houston! The Tracy and CleRenda McGrady Foundation, was able to provide a Thanksgiving feast for some really awesome families at the 5th Ward Multiservice Center. We had such a blast! In addition to chowing down on a fabulous meal provided by Chef Rey of “Chef Rey’s,” we had some amazing speakers and dynamic entertainment! Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee was so gracious to come out and share an enlightening word with the youth. Recently named as the “Vocabulary Queen of Capitol Hill,” she was able to share with the youth, the importance of reading and staying focused in life and in school. In addition, Pastor Marlon Hall gave a Word that encouraged and empowered the kids. There was also a cookie station, and a book station where kids could pick out books and keep them. Body Worx was also there, giving complimentary hand massages. The families were also able to sit back and rock their heads to the amazing sounds of the band, “Renaissance Suite.” What an awesome experience!

I was thankful to be able to serve others that needed it. I was thankful to see families and kids smile and enjoy their day. Most of all, I am thankful for my son’s reminder that “we are supposed to be thankful everyday!”

Happy Thanksgiving….Gobble, Gobble!!

With Gratitude,


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Inspired by Inspire!

What an amazing day! I am truly inspired by Anita Carman and Inspire Women organization! I love her boldness and how she is obedient in allowing God to use her and her story to lead women all over to fulfill the calling God has in their lives. I am truly honored and blessed to be one of the honorees at this years 12th annual Inspire Women's luncheon. My husband and I, received the award for Community Couple Leader. I must say, with such a strong panel of honorees that are doing amazing work in the community, I felt somewhat undeserving of such an honor! However, I was also very grateful! The event today was amazing and clearly from the looks of my ear to ear grin, I was feeling the moment!

I love listening to one of Houston's local Christian radio stations. It was there that I first heard the impacting voice of Anita Carmen. Listening to her on the radio, I could always feel the special anointing and true genuine heart she has to lead women to their God given best. Later, a friend introduced me to her, and everything I suspected over the radio, was confirmed! Her sincerity, her heart and true desire to impact women to change the world was recognized instantly! And if I needed more confirmation, after listening to the testimonials of women at the luncheon today on how Inspire Women has been the catalyst in equipping and empowering them to fulfill their mission despite their circumstances, I was truly sold!

Women need to be empowered, equipped and edified to go forth in a world that's telling us to go elsewhere. I know there have been several things placed on my heart to go forth with, but certain deterrents (mostly my own negative self talk and sabotaging beliefs) hindered that process. Once I heard Anita mention 1/3 of women abandon their mission, this resonated loud and clear as if the message was purposely for me! However, because of Anita's Leadership classes which are designed to edify, empower and teach women who have not gone forth in their full potential because of either fear, loneliness or rejection, (can anyone relate?) women are being set free all over the city! And I for one, have been grateful for the experience to learn from her! Because of this amazing leadership institute, women are understanding exactly who they are and WHOSE they are, regardless of their circumstances! They are walking in confidence and competence in their designated role of being a "Daughter of the King!" Inspire is truly inspiring women to go forth and claim their victory by walking boldly into the area that God has designed them to be in! Kudo's and many blessings to Anita and Inspire Women!

Be Inspired, ~CleRenda